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Thread started by Gama ![]() |
Gama |
2005-02-24 03:20:12 - Usefull UI mods Well, now that theres a forum, I thought I'd post a link to the UI mods I use and find usefull
Loot link / Gatherer / Enchantrix / Auctioneer Gives you a load of info on all your items, vendor buy/sell price, average buyout/sell price at the auction house, what it will disenchant into if you chose to disenchant it, etc. Very usefull ^^ CombatStats Can't find the official page for this, but looks like it can be DLed from Nice DPS counter, les you check the miss/crit etc rate of each individual attack/spell, or the total for all. Not a mod but... Very nice macro for rogues who want to have a sword or mace (or fist...) in the mainhand and still be able to backstab/ambush, by swaping a dagger from the offhand to mainhand at the press of a button, and putting them back when you want to dish out some damage with SS just use the /macro command, pick a pretty picture, type a semi-meaningfull name into the name doodah, and paste this into the main thing /script if ( not CursorHasItem() ) then PickupInventoryItem(16); PickupInventoryItem(17); end Weapon Switching Mod More complicated than the macro, but this lets you switch weapons/shields/tevr from your bag into your hands, at the press of a button, so say... a warrior could have a macro which puts way thier sword+shield, switch to berserker stance, and weild a 2h weapon.. or dual weild a pair of sword, etc (havent used this yet, but it looks usefull) Anyway, everyone else feel free to add yours ^^ |
Oskorei |
2005-02-25 10:38:16 - Re: Usefull UI mods Where can i get the cosmos thingie? /tloc ftw!
__________________ Only users lose drugs. Oskorei, 60 druid (Legion) Fossegrim, 47 paladin Wonderwoman, 22 Shaman Kowarpoak, 10 warlock Kiba, 11 hunter Mazzie, 15 mage Thirza, 10 rogue...and then some...but I forgot :P |
Fayne |
2005-03-05 17:29:16 - Re: Usefull UI mods Cosmos blows!
Maybe i´ll succumb to the dark side, and actually try the first 2 mods. Great to know what the items are worth on vendors, when your bags start getting full...yet aint going home. Enchanting for my Priest of course, and combat for my Warrior. Really wanna look into the missing rate, which sounds bullocks from people screaming about it :-P Aight..i do miss some with mine atm, but thats mainly due to dual wield. Get loads of rage thou ^^ __________________ Server - Draenor Fayne 60 Priest ~ Zanith 60 Warrior Furinax 3x Warlock ~ Linyah 60 Hunter Gharn 60 Rogue ~ Slithice 3x Druid Sanzor 60 Paladin ~ Thavall 3x Mage |
Thorarin |
2005-03-08 08:37:25 - Re: Usefull UI mods Hmm, I miss fairly often, dual wield or not.. It's not really a problem normally though, except it takes a little longer to get aggro sometimes, which makes some healers run around like headless chickens and get more aggro :P
__________________ Thorarin, Level 60 Warrior (277+ Armorsmith) Jydan, Level 60 Priest (300 Tailor, 280+ Enchanter) Alinda, Level 40 Mage (240+ Engineering) GM and Webmaster of Tyr's Handful |
Thorarin |
2005-03-08 08:52:08 - Re: Usefull UI mods On the matter of AddOns.. I use part of Cosmos, plus some extras. Gatherer and Auctioneer are really handy.
When playing any class, but particularly Warrior I really need to see buff durations on screen all the time. MooBuffMod takes care of that, part of Cosmos but also functions without it (as long as you have the Sea library). I believe this will become pretty much standard functionality in the next patch though. When playing priest I would get rather frustrated without AltSelfCast and PetMonitor (part of Cosmos). Pets are important in WoW, so therefore keeping them alive is also. It's really annoying that you can't see their health without actually selecting them. This mod fixes that, unfortunately both the pet owner and the healer need the mod installed for it to work. So install it. NOW :p Some people keep yelling Cosmos is bloatware, and indeed I don't use all the AddOns. However, they are easily deleted or disabled using the "AddOns" button on your character selection screen, which will prevent them from loading at all. __________________ Thorarin, Level 60 Warrior (277+ Armorsmith) Jydan, Level 60 Priest (300 Tailor, 280+ Enchanter) Alinda, Level 40 Mage (240+ Engineering) GM and Webmaster of Tyr's Handful |
Gama |
2005-03-08 17:39:36 - Re: Usefull UI mods OMG, this flexbar thing i've found is.. awesome :)
it basically gives you 92 floating buttons, which you can put anywhere, and lock there to stop you accidentally moving them. You can resize the buttons (like, have a big button for your main combat style say, surrounded by the less used ones) You can make them appear and dissapear under several different circumstances (on my hunter, i've made it so i have a big 'Mongoose Bite' button appear in the middle of the screen, about 1/4 way from the bottom, whenever it is usable, disapears when not usabable) you can even have the functionality of the button change under different circumstances, like... a priest could have a button which is a group heal when they have no target, and a single target heal when they do have a target... or... a button which holds say a buff while you aren't in combat, and a spell or style while you are in combat. requires a little bit of patience to set up on the 1st use, but then its set and you can even save and load profiles :D |
Gama |
2005-03-10 19:37:09 - Re: Usefull UI mods Here, UI mod which shows party memebers' pets' health, which DOES NOT require owner of said pet to be using it. and yes, cosmos does suck! ;D |
Oskorei |
2005-03-11 10:41:47 - Re: Usefull UI mods Hmmm...I'm still playing totally MODless and I pwned a shitload of hordes yesterday...I don't think they're a necessity, however you spell it :P
__________________ Only users lose drugs. Oskorei, 60 druid (Legion) Fossegrim, 47 paladin Wonderwoman, 22 Shaman Kowarpoak, 10 warlock Kiba, 11 hunter Mazzie, 15 mage Thirza, 10 rogue...and then some...but I forgot :P |