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Thread started by Fayne ![]() |
Fayne |
2005-03-18 10:26:25 - Patch Well...according to site, it should be today we get new goodies to play with.
Tbh i can´t wait for warrior and mage changes ^^ __________________ Server - Draenor Fayne 60 Priest ~ Zanith 60 Warrior Furinax 3x Warlock ~ Linyah 60 Hunter Gharn 60 Rogue ~ Slithice 3x Druid Sanzor 60 Paladin ~ Thavall 3x Mage |
Thorarin |
2005-03-18 21:48:25 - Re: Patch Where did you read that?
Edited by Thorarin on 2005-03-18 21:51:13
I didn't see any news about a patch or even about maintenance for that matter... Some standard note about maintenance on the Realm Status forum, what else? :) __________________ Thorarin, Level 60 Warrior (277+ Armorsmith) Jydan, Level 60 Priest (300 Tailor, 280+ Enchanter) Alinda, Level 40 Mage (240+ Engineering) GM and Webmaster of Tyr's Handful |
Oskorei |
2005-03-20 15:10:27 - Re: Patch No fair! I log in as Skeggi and here I'm Oskorei o.O
Edited by Oskorei on 2005-03-20 15:10:50
[edit] testing to see what I edit as... __________________ Only users lose drugs. Oskorei, 60 druid (Legion) Fossegrim, 47 paladin Wonderwoman, 22 Shaman Kowarpoak, 10 warlock Kiba, 11 hunter Mazzie, 15 mage Thirza, 10 rogue...and then some...but I forgot :P |
Fayne |
2005-03-29 11:58:14 - Re: Patch Oskorei wrote:
"No fair! I log in as Skeggi and here I'm Oskorei o.O [edit] testing to see what I edit as..." Owned! :-P __________________ Server - Draenor Fayne 60 Priest ~ Zanith 60 Warrior Furinax 3x Warlock ~ Linyah 60 Hunter Gharn 60 Rogue ~ Slithice 3x Druid Sanzor 60 Paladin ~ Thavall 3x Mage |
Oskorei |
2005-03-29 12:30:11 - Re: Patch Yes, there are a couple of nice changes, next to Dire Maul and the 2 epic monsters. These are the ones that caught my eye:
- Previously, in many cases, a Block, Parry, or Dodge was translated into a "Miss," thus causing confusion over actual miss rates. - The Drunk effect has been greatly enhanced. Druid - Training costs adjusted. Total training cost was decreased. - Rebirth - Casting time and mana cost reduced; now ignores resurrection timers. - Swiftshifting - Talent changed. When leaving a shapeshift form, the next shapeshift form you take will have a 20%/40%/60% mana cost reduction if used within 6 seconds. - Gift of the Wild - This spell is now cast on the target's party. - Cat Form - DPS increase at levels 40-60. - New Ability (Cat Form): Ferocious Bite (available at level 32) - Finishing move that causes damage per combo point and converts each extra point of energy into additional damage. - New Spell: Barkskin (available at level 44) - The druid's skin becomes as tough as bark. Physical damage taken is reduced. While protected, taking damage will not cause spellcasting delays, but non-instant spells take longer to cast and melee combat is slowed. - New Ability (Bear Form): Frenzied Regeneration (available at level 36) - Converts an amount of rage into health every second for a short duration. Hunter - Training costs adjusted. Total training cost was decreased. - Sandfury Guardians are no longer tameable. - Fixed a bug where Hunter pets were sometimes unattackable by opposing faction players. - Fixed a bug where creatures were keeping their innate resistances after being tamed. This was unintentional and the fix will affect all existing pets. - Distracting Shot - Is now properly improved by the Efficiency and Hawk Eye talents. - You can no longer use Eyes of the Beast to leave a flight path. Mage - Training costs adjusted. Total training cost was decreased. - Improved Blizzard - Chill duration reduced to 1.5 seconds (4.5 seconds w/ Permafrost) and refreshes with each damage tick rather than at the beginning of the spell. In addition, a target that resists the damage will also resist the chill effect. - Blink - Using this spell should no longer cause you to fall through the world. - Blink can now be used to escape more of the stun effects used by creatures in the world. - Blink is no longer useable on boats or zeppelins. - Blast Wave damage radius fixed so damage properly extends to 10 yd. - Dampen Magic - Duration and mana cost increased. Now castable on all raid targets. - Amplify Magic - Duration and mana cost increased. Now castable on all raid targets. - Frost/Ice Armor - Mana cost reduced. - New Spell: Mage Armor (Available at level 34) - Allows for 30% of mana regeneration to function while casting and increases resistance to all magic schools. Does not stack with Frost/Ice Armor. - New Spell: Conjure Water (Rank 7) (Available through quest at level 60). - Arcane Missiles: Fixed a bug where the spell would not function properly against spell-reflecting targets. Paladin - Training costs adjusted. Total training cost was decreased. - Blessing of Protection - Now castable on all raid targets. - Blessing of Sacrifice - Now castable on all raid targets. - Blessing of Salvation - Now castable on all raid targets. - Divine Intervention - Now castable on all raid targets. Priest - Training costs adjusted. Total training cost was decreased. - Holy Fire - Fixed a bug with the bonus damage gained from +fire damage items. Such items now have a greater effect on this spell. - Prayer of Fortitude - This spell is now cast on the target's party. - Power Word: Shield - Now castable on all raid targets. Rogue - A number of areas in the world now have footlockers in them. These areas are in place for rogues to visit to increase their lockpicking skills. The contents of these footlockers are only token amounts of treasure, but they should allow for a more interesting experience while increasing lockpicking skill. The difficulty of the locks in the area correspond to the level of the zone, so if your lockpicking skill is around 100, you would go to Durnholde Keep in Hillsbrad. But if your skill is 250, you might head to Tyr’s Hand in Eastern Plaguelands. * Hillsbrad Foothills - Durnholde Keep * Redridge Mountains - Lake Everstill * Ashenvale Forest - Zoram Strand * Stonetalon Mountains - Windshear Crag and Associated Mines * Wetlands - Murloc Camps * Desolace - Sar'theris Strand * Badlands - Angor Fortress * Swamp of Sorrows - Pool of Tears * Searing Gorge - The Slag Pit * Tanaris Desert - Lost Rigger Cove * Azshara - Bay of Storms * Eastern Plaguelands - Tyr's Hand (elite) - Very high-end gems will no longer be acquired from junk boxes or pickpocketing. - Added a visual to Sword Specialization "proc" that will now show up in the combat log as well. Shaman - Training costs adjusted. Total training cost was decreased. - Tremor Totem - Now creates the appropriate looking earth totem; tooltip updated to clarify what effects it counters; radius of effect increased; now pulses more frequently. - Astral Recall - The tooltip now includes the home point the spell will recall you to. - We've changed the spell icon of several totem spells. They should now all be unique. - Searing Totem - Damage slightly increased. - Reincarnation - No longer causes resurrection sickness. Warlock - Improved Drain Mana - Will now report to the combat log all damage caused. - Inferno - The duration the Infernal is enslaved when first summoned has been increased. The area of effect damage caused by the Inferno spell, and all threat generated by it, will now originate from the Infernal. The Infernal will now immediately attack targets within the radius of the spell. - Enslave Demon - Is no longer dispellable. - Curse of Agony - Now benefits from items that increase shadow damage. - Nightfall - Fixed a bug where the Shadow Trance effect was lost without benefit. Previously, the talent had a 3%/4% chance of triggering. It now has a 2%/4% chance of triggering, and the tooltips have been updated to accurately reflect this change. - Ritual of Doom - The death caused at the completion of the ritual no longer causes durability loss. - Firestone - Equipping Firestones will now increase damage caused by fire spells. - Spellstone - Equipping Spellstones will now improve your chance to get a critical strike with spells. - Fear - Mana cost changed to a percentage of base, which results in an increase in cost. - The Shadow Trance buff granted by the Nightfall talent will no longer be used up by a shadowbolt that was in mid-cast. Warrior - Training costs adjusted. Total training cost was slightly increased. - Battle Shout - Rage cost reduced. - Bloodrage - Health cost reduced. - Heroic Strike - Damage increased. - Parry - Moved to level 6. - Thunder Clap - Now causes Physical damage instead of Nature damage; damage increased; duration increased with each new rank. Improved Sunder Armor - Now decreases rage cost by 1/1/1. Improved Thunder Clap - Now decreases rage cost by 1/1/2. - Execute - Full rage is no longer consumed when the ability does not hit. - Overpower - Should now be usable when a special attack is dodged. - Fixed a bug where rage was not being generated when normal melee attacks were parried, dodged, and blocked. - Charge has been improved so it will work through doorways and won't path you through an entire dungeon. - Sweeping Strikes bug fixed. It will hit more reliably and show up in combat log correctly. - Added a visual to Sword Specialization "proc" that will now show up in the combat log as well. - A new engineering recipe is available in Blackrock Depths for a repair robot. This robot acts as a repair vendor for 10 minutes and will repair and purchase items for normal cost. This will allow dungeon groups and raids to get items repaired and sold without returning to town. - Bottomless Bag requires significantly more mooncloth and two core leather to make now. - Lengthened the respawn time of many of the creatures in Ragefire Chasm, Gnomeregan, Uldaman, Razorfen Downs, Scholomance, and Stratholme. Pets - Pets in defensive mode that respond to attacks will no longer flag their masters for PvP. If the master issues an explicit attack command, the master will be flagged. - You can issue pet commands while you are stunned, fleeing, etc. - Pets and summons no longer get stuck when you get on a boat or zeppelin. - Non-aggressive enemy NPCs no longer attack pets and summons. Flight Paths - The following flight times have been reduced: * Auberdine - Talonbranch Glade * Thunder Bluff - Orgrimmar * Theramore (Dustwallow Marsh) - Nijel's Point (Desolace) - The following flight paths have been added: * Gadgetzan - Brackenwall Village * Gadgetzan - Valor's Rest (Silithus) * Gadgetzan - Camp Mojache * Gadgetzan - Crossroads * Orgrimmar - Everlook Ok people, these are the most important points imo. Check em out! :D __________________ Only users lose drugs. Oskorei, 60 druid (Legion) Fossegrim, 47 paladin Wonderwoman, 22 Shaman Kowarpoak, 10 warlock Kiba, 11 hunter Mazzie, 15 mage Thirza, 10 rogue...and then some...but I forgot :P |