Tyr's Handful » Tyr's Handful » Possible forum problems

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Thread started by Thorarin New Messages  

2005-03-19 01:08:46  -  Possible forum problems
I'm currently in the process of modifying our member database for WoW. Unfortunately there's no way for me to test this offline, so you may see some errors pop up every now and then here on the forum or on www.tiwaz.org (the DAoC website).

Profile updating and creation of new accounts is temporarily impossible. Please Let me know if anything else seems broken by posting here or contacting me otherwise :P

PS: Kindar and Skeggi are my test subjects during this change, they now have different nicks on the WoW forum than the DAoC forum :p
Thorarin, Level 60 Warrior (277+ Armorsmith)
Jydan, Level 60 Priest (300 Tailor, 280+ Enchanter)
Alinda, Level 40 Mage (240+ Engineering)
GM and Webmaster of Tyr's Handful
Edited by Thorarin on 2005-03-19 01:10:24

2005-03-21 11:09:44  -  Re: Possible forum problems
So I noticed o.O
Only users lose drugs.

Oskorei, 60 druid (Legion)
Fossegrim, 47 paladin
Wonderwoman, 22 Shaman
Kowarpoak, 10 warlock
Kiba, 11 hunter
Mazzie, 15 mage
Thirza, 10 rogue...and then some...but I forgot :P

2005-03-23 02:48:19  -  Re: Possible forum problems
There that occurred for most people while logging in which has been fixed now..
Thorarin, Level 60 Warrior (277+ Armorsmith)
Jydan, Level 60 Priest (300 Tailor, 280+ Enchanter)
Alinda, Level 40 Mage (240+ Engineering)
GM and Webmaster of Tyr's Handful