Resources: | |
If you're looking for quest, NPC or item information, chances are you'll find it here. | |
Another good info site for many aspects of the game. |
| |
Nice talent planner as well as other useful class information. |
User Interface / AddOns: |
Curse Gaming |
Lots of different AddOns are hosted here. Has a nice latest changes list and allows you to add your addons to your favorites for easier monitoring. | |
Similar to Curse Gaming, but they don't have a favorites list for your addons. Still a nice addition :) |
WoW Guru - UI Mods |
Another site were you can find many different AddOns. |
Auctioneer |
Provides your item tooltips with information on the average auction prices, number of times seen at auction and estimated vendor buy/sell price. |
Enchantrix |
Provide your item tooltips with information on the elements that a particular item will disenchant into (uses LootLink, included). |
Gatherer |
Track their herb, ore and treasure gathering activities on your world and minimap. |
Miron's UI Mods |
BuffStatus, SunderThis, Logger and other AddOns. |
CT_RaidAssist |
Commonly used AddOn to make life in raid groups easier. Recommended, especially as tank or healing class. |