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Thread started by Fayne ![]() |
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Fayne |
2005-09-23 19:55:14 - Legion Couldn´t be arsed to say ingame, as I was annoyed at the n00bish shamans/hunters in AB.
Anyway.. Shaniah said something about joining Legion. We all know the gimp to Skeggi is in that guild, and Legion is ok..haven´t had a bad experience with them really. Joining Legion would really be a big step. Its a fairly huge guild and that would give us access to MC, Onyxia and BWL. Now, if some of you really wanna experience this out, I think you guys should discuss it. I on the other hand, don´t really care. I prolly wont have time for raiding, as I´ve decided to do my education since I´ve gotten my apprenticeship. That means only raiding time in the weekends, or raiding in a few hours in work days. That wont cover it up for joining Legion, as they prolly want you to stand by at raids. So, discuss it if you guys wanna spank Ragnaros a bit and to get some l33t equipment. __________________ Server - Draenor Fayne 60 Priest ~ Zanith 60 Warrior Furinax 3x Warlock ~ Linyah 60 Hunter Gharn 60 Rogue ~ Slithice 3x Druid Sanzor 60 Paladin ~ Thavall 3x Mage |
Oskorei |
2005-09-24 09:17:17 - Re: Legion Heya Kindy, I was just about to make a post about this. I myself only raid twice a week (tops) with Legion, and they're fine with it. They don't have an attitude like DoY where you have to attend to at least 50% of the raids etc. They're less elitists then DoY or Shinasu, but at the same time try to keep the total morons away (every huge guild does have morons however, same goes for DoY and Shinasu, despite their attempts at being elite).
So obviously you guys know the advantages of joining a guild like Legion: besides the fact that I haven't met anyone so far I didn't like, there's also nice possibilities to high end-game content. The big problem is, I feel, that you'll be dropped into some huge community where you don't really know someone, and they don't really know you (yet). To still keep the feeling of being a group, we could remake the Tiwaz channel, to say something to the ol' Tiwaz crew, we don't want others to hear...and speak thoughts and such. Legion requires a 2 raid trial per member, to check if you're not a total moron. Perhaps, if you decide to join as guild, this could be tweaked a bit. Perhaps I should inquire about the possibilities of an entire guild joining Legion at once? As far as I know, also the alts should be welcome (DoY only allowed 1 alt per member). Well that's the message I guess...any comments? :D __________________ Only users lose drugs. Oskorei, 60 druid (Legion) Fossegrim, 47 paladin Wonderwoman, 22 Shaman Kowarpoak, 10 warlock Kiba, 11 hunter Mazzie, 15 mage Thirza, 10 rogue...and then some...but I forgot :P |
Thorarin |
2005-09-25 21:26:26 - Re: Legion Personally I have mixed feelings about this, but I'm interested to see everyone's opinion. I'll try to get some more people to post their views on this..
__________________ Thorarin, Level 60 Warrior (277+ Armorsmith) Jydan, Level 60 Priest (300 Tailor, 280+ Enchanter) Alinda, Level 40 Mage (240+ Engineering) GM and Webmaster of Tyr's Handful |
Fayne |
2005-09-26 08:02:08 - Re: Legion If we wanna progress in the high instances, we should join Legion.
That dosen´t mean we entirely remove our guild, as we ofcourse still can run around in instances on our own. Only difference is we are part of a bigger community. Sounds like a good idea with putting up our Tiwaz channel. That way we can spam our chats without annoying any Legion members :-P But as I said earlier, I can´t be as much active as I used to. Education is bigger priority to me atm :-) __________________ Server - Draenor Fayne 60 Priest ~ Zanith 60 Warrior Furinax 3x Warlock ~ Linyah 60 Hunter Gharn 60 Rogue ~ Slithice 3x Druid Sanzor 60 Paladin ~ Thavall 3x Mage |
Archeon |
2005-09-27 09:48:10 - Re: Legion Sounds like an interesting idea,
I don't have any major issues about being assimilated into another guild (aside from the obvious, what shoes do I wear? and does this robe make my bum look big?). Though I suppose I wouldn't have joined Tiwaz if I did, which I guess is proof that it doesn't always work out ;P As for the Raiding... Honestly, I would like to go through the high-end instances at least once - but I don't see myself leaving WoW anytime soon, so there's plenty of time for that later down the road. I'd be more for merging with Legion than against, but I don't have any particularly strong feelings in either direction. So i'll just go with what everyone else decides. :) |
Oskorei |
2005-09-28 09:24:37 - Re: Legion I think we should just do this, this first step to take, would be asking Smackanax, Legion's leader, if we can get all of you guys in at once, and perhaps get some form of special treatment.
Shall I inquire to the possibilities of a merge? __________________ Only users lose drugs. Oskorei, 60 druid (Legion) Fossegrim, 47 paladin Wonderwoman, 22 Shaman Kowarpoak, 10 warlock Kiba, 11 hunter Mazzie, 15 mage Thirza, 10 rogue...and then some...but I forgot :P |
Tiste |
2005-09-28 11:25:11 - Re: Legion .... not that im really all that active , spending more time on skull crusher, and yes i most likly have quit daoc, but does this mean that tyrs dies or is it just an alliance thingie??
Oskorei |
2005-09-28 13:34:27 - Re: Legion No it's not an alliance thingie, it means Tyrs as a guild will no longer exist, officially. The idea is, the old Tyrs members will officially be Legion members, so we can attend the raids and such, but we communicate in a special Tiwaz channel, and thereby actually still keeping the guild.
Edited by Oskorei on 2005-09-28 13:35:53
/edit: It might be an idea to find a plug-in or option or whatever to give tiwaz channel a different colour. __________________ Only users lose drugs. Oskorei, 60 druid (Legion) Fossegrim, 47 paladin Wonderwoman, 22 Shaman Kowarpoak, 10 warlock Kiba, 11 hunter Mazzie, 15 mage Thirza, 10 rogue...and then some...but I forgot :P |
Fayne |
2005-09-29 09:09:02 - Re: Legion Oskorei wrote:
"I think we should just do this, this first step to take, would be asking Smackanax, Legion's leader, if we can get all of you guys in at once, and perhaps get some form of special treatment. Shall I inquire to the possibilities of a merge?" If you ask me, then a special treatment ain´t needed. I find it better to earn the respect and learn people to know through raids :-) __________________ Server - Draenor Fayne 60 Priest ~ Zanith 60 Warrior Furinax 3x Warlock ~ Linyah 60 Hunter Gharn 60 Rogue ~ Slithice 3x Druid Sanzor 60 Paladin ~ Thavall 3x Mage |
Archeon |
2005-09-29 10:25:17 - Re: Legion Fayne wrote:
"If you ask me, then a special treatment ain´t needed. I find it better to earn the respect and learn people to know through raids :-)" I'd agree with that, I switched ISP's yesterday and finally WTFPwned 'Attunement to the Core' with no lag what-so-ever so I can say with a reasonable degree of confidence that I can handle whatever they want to throw our way :) |
Oskorei |
2005-09-29 16:34:45 - Re: Legion Fayne wrote:
" If you ask me, then a special treatment ain´t needed. I find it better to earn the respect and learn people to know through raids :-)" Well, I just meant, that if Legion got an overall good impression of us, they'd also just take in the "happen to not be online, but also want to join"-folks, so we can join as a whole. __________________ Only users lose drugs. Oskorei, 60 druid (Legion) Fossegrim, 47 paladin Wonderwoman, 22 Shaman Kowarpoak, 10 warlock Kiba, 11 hunter Mazzie, 15 mage Thirza, 10 rogue...and then some...but I forgot :P |
Oskorei |
2005-10-10 17:20:47 - Re: Legion Ok guys, here's the answer to me asking if you guys could join Legion, as you can see, Legion is sort of full on some classes.
Hi Osk, Thanks for the reminder on this, there is some good and bad news. In order for Tyrs Handful to join Legion we would need to make them "non raid" members. This term basically means they cannot be selected for raids unless the raid is due to start and we are short on their particular class. For some (warlocks, priests and even rogues) this might not have too much of an impact but for classes like druids and warriors where we have a lot it might mean they wait a long time for a raid, and longer still to actually join the raid team. The simple truth is, if we input 5, 10 or 20 new members that's anything up to 20 existing members that could easily miss out on raids that they should be attending, and have been attending for some time reliably. With Tyrs hand involved, we would risk shutting those reliable members out in favour of new recruits and that is something I cannot do. With Zul Gurub the possibility of additional raid groups is viable, hell a second Onyxia group is viable if we get enough people but it needs to be clearly explained to them that they would be "reserve raiders" only. The benefits of the guild apart from that would be open to them as normal, our atmosphere, team work, support and even the guild bank would be such benefits, should they pass trial. I imagine their main interest is in raiding MC as it is for most that wish to join legion but we are turning our own members away without adding more. If they do decide to do this, I need a list of names, those members will then be trialled in the same way you were and if successful, they will be integrated at a "reserve raider" status. I need to be clear that being a member of Tyrs Hand won't entitle them to anything special. They'll follow the same process as everyone else. Hope that helps, Smack. Anyone interested? __________________ Only users lose drugs. Oskorei, 60 druid (Legion) Fossegrim, 47 paladin Wonderwoman, 22 Shaman Kowarpoak, 10 warlock Kiba, 11 hunter Mazzie, 15 mage Thirza, 10 rogue...and then some...but I forgot :P |
Fayne |
2005-10-11 19:20:08 - Re: Legion We are still missing alot of replies, like Zlut and Gama are missing. No idea why..
I´m ready to jump in, and don´t really care if I can join a raid or not. Don´t have alot of time anyway and i´m mostly just leveling my paladin :-) Try bash Thorarin and discuss abit. People are incredible silent on guild channel or IRC when you mention this >_< __________________ Server - Draenor Fayne 60 Priest ~ Zanith 60 Warrior Furinax 3x Warlock ~ Linyah 60 Hunter Gharn 60 Rogue ~ Slithice 3x Druid Sanzor 60 Paladin ~ Thavall 3x Mage |
Oskorei |
2005-10-12 06:41:00 - Re: Legion Fayne wrote:
" Try bash Thorarin and discuss abit. People are incredible silent on guild channel or IRC when you mention this >_<" I think somewhere people realize it's a good thing, but on the other hand see it as the death of Tiwaz in wow, which is imo, absolutely not the case. __________________ Only users lose drugs. Oskorei, 60 druid (Legion) Fossegrim, 47 paladin Wonderwoman, 22 Shaman Kowarpoak, 10 warlock Kiba, 11 hunter Mazzie, 15 mage Thirza, 10 rogue...and then some...but I forgot :P |
Fayne |
2005-10-12 14:52:16 - Re: Legion Not at all, considering we don´t get raid space in start, we are most likely just to join with our lvl 60 characters and still play our alts in least that was what I had in mind.
__________________ Server - Draenor Fayne 60 Priest ~ Zanith 60 Warrior Furinax 3x Warlock ~ Linyah 60 Hunter Gharn 60 Rogue ~ Slithice 3x Druid Sanzor 60 Paladin ~ Thavall 3x Mage |
Archeon |
2005-10-13 16:35:07 - Re: Legion Fayne wrote:
Edited by Archeon on 2005-10-13 16:39:18
"Try bash Thorarin and discuss abit. People are incredible silent on guild channel or IRC when you mention this >_<" I've never actually seen it mentioned (does this mean you never have serious conversations when i'm around ?_?) - but i'd imagine people are a little reluctant to talk about it ingame based on precident, as I recall our last 'guild meeting' didn't exactly go too well. Personally i'm of the opinion that as things are Tyr's is already a pretty stagnent guild, I can't remember the last time we recruited a new member and I think it's safe to say that everyone (myself included) has been a bit bitchy about non-guildys at some point or another. Be it in WoW, or Probably not something anyone wanted to hear, but I guess if anyone has to say it, it might as well be me. In any case, I think people should talk about this even if it's not necessarily comfortable. Not necessarily ingame, given that it would be extremly difficult for everyone to arrange one time to get on. But it does at least need to be discussed - something which it hasn't really been so far. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" as they say :) |
Oskorei |
2005-10-13 18:51:24 - Re: Legion Archeon" wrote:
Edited by Thorarin on 2005-11-16 18:21:03
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained" as they say :)" Well, this is true: if it doesn't work out, you can always re-make Tyrs Handful ;) __________________ Only users lose drugs. Oskorei, 60 druid (Legion) Fossegrim, 47 paladin Wonderwoman, 22 Shaman Kowarpoak, 10 warlock Kiba, 11 hunter Mazzie, 15 mage Thirza, 10 rogue...and then some...but I forgot :P |
Lyseia |
2005-10-13 22:31:42 - Re: Legion well there might not be that much to remake, since we're not even sure we want our alts in Legion. So Tyr's Handful might remain in existence even if we decide to join Legion.
Edited by Lyseia on 2005-10-13 22:34:40
I am worried about this reply of Smackanax's. It sounds like he is reluctant to give us full member status ("raid member"?), which if I read it correctly means that older members will have priority over us in raids. For some of us this might seem acceptable, but I don't know what the rules are exactly in this guild, who organizes the raids, and I'm reluctant to join Legion if they're going to take an attitude like this. It'd be unfair towards those in our guild who play a class Legion has too many of. We could also just all go berserk in the Battlegrounds and get ourselves some decent pvp gear, and join the high end instances when they become doable with pickup groups - which is only a matter of time :) |
Fayne |
2005-10-15 13:53:44 - Re: Legion Well, I think most guilds put priority on the older members. Always nice to play with the not so often raiding members aswell, since I´m sure alot of us still got certain quests we want done in 5man instances or areas.
Being able to put a guild grp together rather fast is nice. Going berserk with PvP wont help much, as the stuff is primarily just stats. If you want BWL or MC items, normal instances is the way to go for Fire Resistance. __________________ Server - Draenor Fayne 60 Priest ~ Zanith 60 Warrior Furinax 3x Warlock ~ Linyah 60 Hunter Gharn 60 Rogue ~ Slithice 3x Druid Sanzor 60 Paladin ~ Thavall 3x Mage |
Thorarin |
2005-10-15 14:02:08 - Re: Legion I don't really care to become a second class member personally.
The only advantage it would have is that if they somehow grow short on your particular class, you might become a regular raid member before they start looking for new members.. We can still give it a try if everyone goes along with it. The last thing I want is for the remaining members to become segmented. __________________ Thorarin, Level 60 Warrior (277+ Armorsmith) Jydan, Level 60 Priest (300 Tailor, 280+ Enchanter) Alinda, Level 40 Mage (240+ Engineering) GM and Webmaster of Tyr's Handful |
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