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2005-02-22 23:10:43  -  Guild Tabard
I promised a vote on the guild tabard, so here it is :P

I received 6 suggestions from 3 people. You can find them on this page: http://wow.tiwaz.org/tabards.html, numbered from A to G.

Comments are welcome, but first and foremost I need everyone to give me their first, second and third choice. I plan on counting votes as follows:
First choice: 4 points
Second choice: 2 points
Third choice: 1 point

If you want to vote anonymously, you can do so by sending a PM to me (Thorarin) on the forum, by ingame mail or to thorarin@tiwaz.org

PS: I'm still accepting donations for the creation of the guild tabard. We're currently at 5.5 gold out of 10 gold needed.

PS2: Old Tiwaz members can post here with their DAoC website accounts for now, new people please create an account we'll recognize using Create Guest Account on top of the page.
Thorarin, Level 60 Warrior (277+ Armorsmith)
Jydan, Level 60 Priest (300 Tailor, 280+ Enchanter)
Alinda, Level 40 Mage (240+ Engineering)
GM and Webmaster of Tyr's Handful
Edited by Thorarin on 2005-02-22 23:31:58

2005-02-22 23:29:19  -  Re: Guild Tabard
1st: D (tho i'd prefer a brighter border on it tbh, like the gold one or smt)
2nd: non entered one, TEH PINK BUNNY OF DOOM! :<
3rd: A (tho maybe with a more sun-rise orange than the dark red, as a better contrast to the dark blue background too :P )

[edit] woot 1st reply!
Edited by Gama on 2005-02-22 23:29:36

2005-02-22 23:43:49  -  Re: Guild Tabard
Dawn thingie tabard is nice, my 1st

Then Fenris Fangs (golden border) as 2nd

and the S/S as 3rd ^^
Server - Draenor
Fayne 60 Priest ~ Zanith 60 Warrior
Furinax 3x Warlock ~ Linyah 60 Hunter
Gharn 60 Rogue ~ Slithice 3x Druid
Sanzor 60 Paladin ~ Thavall 3x Mage
Edited by Fayne on 2005-02-22 23:44:16

2005-02-23 11:01:44  -  Re: Guild Tabard
Hmm I like the helm version, the shield and sword version, Iri's version and Ketor's version...but I can't pick a number one here, but I do think we could go for a "rich people" version, wich would mean red or purple, and gold for colours. I'm kind of sick and tired of green, so I think Ketor's version comes last in that perspective...I'll go make a suggestion myself, I think :D

[edit] So far my vote would be: E,D,F ...but since I made a suggestion myself it would be: mine,E,D ;p
Only users lose drugs.

Oskorei, 60 druid (Legion)
Fossegrim, 47 paladin
Wonderwoman, 22 Shaman
Kowarpoak, 10 warlock
Kiba, 11 hunter
Mazzie, 15 mage
Thirza, 10 rogue...and then some...but I forgot :P
Edited by Oskorei on 2005-02-23 11:39:52

2005-02-23 15:35:18  -  Re: Guild Tabard
Uhm my votes:

First: The ram ofc :) I really like the ram, the colours dosnt nessecary need to be like that but i like the icon and it has a strong connection with nordic mythology aswell :)

Second: B :D Looks nice, uhm perhaps its a little too blue tho :p

Third: Ketors suggestion, nice bright colors ^^

And since Ketor cant or cba to log in i post for him too:
(and he cba to say comments either :)

1. F

2. E

3. G

2005-02-23 16:15:08  -  Re: Guild Tabard
took me a while to figure out which of the emblems i like most :<
got there eventually, however, and i would like mine to be:
4 pts to D
2 pts to E
1 pt to B

Dunno about the borders yet, tho ... open for discussion.
Edited by Lyseia on 2005-02-23 16:23:53

2005-02-23 17:58:41  -  Re: Guild Tabard
E, B, C

2005-02-23 18:27:47  -  Re: Guild Tabard
1. E: The Sword and Shield
2. C: Fenris Revisited
3. F: Iri's suggestion

2005-03-05 17:30:31  -  Re: Guild Tabard
Gotta say our tabard pwns ^^

Can´t see it much on my Priest thou, due to her robe...but anyone seen my warrior!? Looks ubah with black armor and the blue tabard :-P
Server - Draenor
Fayne 60 Priest ~ Zanith 60 Warrior
Furinax 3x Warlock ~ Linyah 60 Hunter
Gharn 60 Rogue ~ Slithice 3x Druid
Sanzor 60 Paladin ~ Thavall 3x Mage

2005-03-08 08:31:36  -  Re: Guild Tabard
I like it too on both Thorarin and Jydan.
I turned off my cloak display so I can see it more often ;)
Thorarin, Level 60 Warrior (277+ Armorsmith)
Jydan, Level 60 Priest (300 Tailor, 280+ Enchanter)
Alinda, Level 40 Mage (240+ Engineering)
GM and Webmaster of Tyr's Handful

2005-03-17 08:29:51  -  Re: Guild Tabard
Henk sais E A G